Computer Mediated Communication and ESL

Hiya, I'm back!
This time I am going to talk about Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) usage on ESL.

Basically, CMC is a platform for people to interact or communicate over the net by using a computer. The common medium used is via social media.

facebook, twitter, emails.

I found out that by incorporating CMC into CALL became widespread with the use of both emails and forums. Internet Chatrooms (ICR) can be direct and simultaneous communication (synchronous). These two offers long-distance teaching or learning.

e-tutoring :
·       Forums
·       Video conferencing
·       Facebook/Instagram

1)     Collaborative Learning

I can conclude education approach involves groups of learners working together on solving problems, completing tasks or creating products.

Computer is used in lesson as it can help to enhance peer interaction and group work performance.

Students can have their discussions online and share ideas in private or class chat rooms or even through emails.

Furthermore, students and teacher can share their works online with Google Doc, Google Drive, blogs or messenger.

2)     Authentic Communication offers learners to easily access and give opportunity to communicate with other learners as well as native speakers.

As for the advantage is first, it has no distance barrier as CMC can bridge the distance gap between one person to another. Secondly, time efficiency because lesson material  can be prepared  with variety of software or programs.
Anywho, there are some of drawbacks such as not everyone is IT literate, without internet connection you are doomed and lastly, by using CMC the user are lack of socio-emtional and non-verbal cues that are needed for learning; every students have different learning styles.

To be concluded, CMC might come in handy when technology and IT is your experties. In addition, note sharing can be cheap as no dime spent on the note sheets. Then, assignment submission is waaaaayyyy easier because can be submitted online either through email or dropbox. How things have come easy because any task can be done whenever and anywhere you are but as long as you have the internet.

See you soon, racoon  ❤


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